So why have I updated my website after all this time?
In the past I have Stuart Meyers on Facebook and Twitter, CyclingBTD when I was heavy into cycling, AllThingsHost from my previous employ and GeorgeTMaxwell / UniversalDint / ParticleAnimism / PersonifiedUniverse from my writing. Add Slide Racing, Natural Revenge and my current employ and it’s a whole lot of confusing identities.
So 2019 is a refresh. StuartMeyers.com is now a consolidated view and single identity with purpose. It’s a culmination of everything I am and a baseline to drive forward.
This is me. I like thinking a lot, professionally engaging, being challenged, solving problems interactively and creating stuff. Plus, I am underpinned by a spiritualist view of the universe where everything is alive and has a desire to experience. Today, the world is accepting and embracing diversity so I don’t have to compartmentalise my life.
My current role at Objective has helped change my job into a career and opened up a world of thought and new direction. It has inspired me to share my skills and experience and given me an understanding where I want to be while I continue doing what I enjoy now. And that really sums it up.
This is why my four areas of my focus (in addition to my wonderful family of course) are:
- Creating a future long term role in business consultation and personal mentoring
- Continuing my current role at Objective and driving towards further success of the business
- Exploring my spirituality and how it interacts with my everyday life
- Playing around with other ideas as a hobby inventor
- Then there is Project #5……
I have a daughter and like so many others of this generation, she needs help to be able to engage in today’s society. I also have a business idea on how to leverage the intellectual skills she (and similar people) has that may be able to accommodate and support her challenges. But I haven’t quite worked out how to bring the two together.
So stay tuned and ask me about Project #5 if you are interested.